16 Desborough Road17 Occupation Road1 Desborough Road1 Ise Vale Ave20 Lyveden Way24 Sulgrave Street312 Gainsborough Road41 Ise Vale Ave42 St Stephens Road4 Kipling Road59 Highfield Road9-11 Sulgrave StreetAbbot'S GrangeAbington RoadAcademyAdult Learning CentreAlamein DriveAlbion StreetAlexander RoadAlexandra RoadAlexandra Road (Stop Cu)Alexandra Road (Stop Cw)Allied MillsAll Saints ChurchAlmond RoadAlpha TerraceAltrincham Interchange (Stand B)Amberden Avenue (Stop A)Angel Row A4 (Stop A4)Anstey WayApex Corner / Country Way (Stop B)Apex Corner / Country Way (Stop M)AquascutumArcadian Gardens (Stop Br)Arcadian Gardens (Stop Bu)Arkwright RoadArleston Drive (Stop Wo09)Arm RoadArnos Grove Station (Stop A)Arnos Grove Station (Stop T)Arnos Grove Swimming PoolArragon Road (Stop D)Arran WayAsdaAshbrook Hey LaneAshburnham DriveAshdown PlaceAshford RoadAshford Road RoundaboutAshingdon Hill TopAshleigh Road(Ashley) Ashley TurnAshley Road(Ashley) The GeorgeAshley WayAshridge DriveAustin ProductionsAvon CosmeticsAyston RoadBagley Wood RoadBaird RoadBaird StreetBaitings ReservoirBamburg CloseBaptist ChurchBardsley RoadBarley MowBarnardBarn Bank LaneBarnes Wallis DriveBarnhurst FarmBarton SquareBatchworth LaneBateman StreetBeaconsfield RoadBeanfield Avenue(Beanfield) Barnsley SquareBear Road Flyover (Stop Aa)Bear Road Flyover (Stop Bb)Beccles RoadBeckley Road (Stop Br02)Beech CloseBeech RoadBeechsideBeechwood Avenue (Stop Ts)Beechwood Drive (Stop Tt)Beehive GreenBelfield RoadBells CloseBentley RoadBerkshire Gardens (Stop Bs)Berkshire Gardens (Stop Bt)Berridge HouseBetstyle Circus (Stop D)Betstyle Road Arnos Grove (Stop S)Bingham WalkBlackfriars StreetBlackstone Edge Old RoadBlackwater Leisure CentreBlake RoadBlue BoarBlythe WayBlythwayBodiam PlaceBolton BrowBolton Brow SchoolBoon GroveBoughton RoadBoundary LaneBounds Green RoadBracebridge Drive End (Stop Bi31)Bracebridge Drive Shops (Stop Bi20)Bracken CloseBraddocks CloseBradfield Road (Stop St01)Bradfield Road (Stop St07)Brambleside CourtBramcote Lane (Stop Wo51)Brampton GardensBrampton Park Road (Stop K)Braunstone AvenueBrays LaneBreakleys RoadBreedon CloseBrent Cross Shopping Centre (Stop B)Brent Cross Shopping Centre (Stop C)Brent Cross Station (Stop Y)Brent Park Tesco (Stop T)Briar RoadBridge LaneBridgford PlaceBrighton Road (Stop Nx)Brighton Road (Stop Ny)(Brigstock) Sandlands AvenueBrindley Road (Stop Bi16)Bringhurst TurnBrisbane GardensBritannia WalkBritish OxygenBroadland MeadowsBroadwater CrescentBroadwater RoadBrookdene AvenueBrooke CloseBrooklands AvenueBrooklyn DriveBrook Road Dudden HillBroomsideBrownlow Road (Stop Gr)Brunswick GardensBucknalls LaneBull GreenBulwell Bus Station (Stop Bu05)Burdock WayBurgess CourtBurghley DriveBurgoyne Middle SchoolBurkitt RoadBurnside Green (Stop Bi19)BurrowfieldBus GarageBushey Railway Station East (Stop B)Bushey Railway Station West (Stop D)Bushey Railway Station West (Stop E)Bus Interchange (Stop 11)Bus Interchange (Stop 12)Bus Interchange (Stop 14)Bus Interchange (Stop 9)Bus StationBus Station (Bay 1)Bus Station (Stop 5)Bus Station (Stop A)Bus Station (Stop B)Bus Station (Stop E)Butterworth StreetBygraves GarageBy-PassByron RoadCabin GateCaenswood HillCambridge AvenueCam CloseCampfield RoadCampus EastCampus WestCandleriggsCanewdon RoadCanning Circus (Stop Cc04)Canning Crescent (Stop Bw)Cardigan Arms PhCarey DriveCarisbrooke CloseCarleton CloseCarlton RoadCarpenders Park Railway Station (Stop B)Carpenders Park Railway Station (Stop C)Carron CloseCastle Way (Stop X)CatalentCatchland CloseCathedral SquareCathedral (Stop Y4)Catholic ChurchCauseway Lane (Stand Ae)Causeway Lane (Stand Ah)Causeway RoadCaythorpe SquareCecil DriveCedar CourtCedar RoadCemeteryCemetery LaneCentral Drive - Rock RoadCentral Drive - ShopsCentral WorkshopsCentreChalkwell AvenueChalkwell ParkChalkwell Schools (Stop 2)Chapel CloseChapel LaneChapel PlaceCharles Avenue (Stop Un18)Charles StreetCheapside EastCheapside Stand FChell Road (Stand B1)ChequersfieldCherry Tree LaneChertsey RoadChester Bus Interchange (Stand D)Chestnut AvenueChestnut DriveChiltern RoadChilton HallChilton Lane - Trafalger StChingford Road (Stop Bi32)ChurchChurch BankChurchill WayChurch Of Our LadyChurch RoadChurch Road (Stop Y)Church StreetChurch Street Interchange (Bay B)Church Street (Stop D)Church ViewCivic CentreClaremont Rd/ Surbiton Station (Stop Nc)Clarence Road SouthClarke RoadClay StreetClayton StreetCliffs PavilionClifton GroveClydesdale LodgeCoach & Horses PhCobham RoadCochrane TerraceCockethurst CornerCockton Hill ClubColeby Road Bottom (Stop Br01)Coleby Road Top (Stop Br03)Coleraine Road (Stop Ma)Coleraine Road (Stop O)Coleridge WayColes Green Rd /North Circular (Stop Sl)College DriveCollingwood Street-Greenwells Garth(Collyweston) 29 Main Road(Collyweston) Slate Drift(Collyweston) The Collyweston Slater PhColmans AvenueColnbrook SchoolColney Hatch Ln /N Circular Rd (Stop Ct)Colney Hatch Ln /N Circular Rd (Stop Cv)Colyers AvenueCommunity HospitalCompstall VillageCook StreetCoppetts Close(Corby) Asda SuperstoreCorby Business Academy(Corby) Chapel Lane(Corby) Conservative ClubCorby Gate(Corby) George Street Stop A (Stop A)(Corby) George Street Stop B (Stop B)(Corby) George Street Stop C (Stop C)(Corby) George Street Stop D (Stop D)(Corby) George Street Stop E (Stop E)(Corby) George Streetstop F (Stop F)(Corby) George Street Stop G (Stop G)(Corby) George Street Stop H (Stop H)(Corby) George Street Stop I (Stop I)(Corby) Health Centre(Corby) Kingdom Hall(Corby) Mitchell Road(Corby) Railway Station ForecourtCorby Road(Corby) Surgery (Stop J)(Corby) Surgery (Stop K)(Corby) The White Hart Ph(Corby) Tyre & AutoCorcoran DriveCottage Farm Close(Cottingham) Bury Close(Cottingham) Spread Eagle PhCouncil OfficesCoundon Road EndCountess HospitalCountry Park LaneCourt Close Avenue (Stop A)Court Close Avenue (Stop V)Courts FurnishingsCoventry CornerCoventry Court (Stop Bu46)Coventry Lane (Stop Wo65)Cowlishaw RoadCrab LaneCragsideCranbrook Drive(Cranford) Battle Close
(Cranford) Grafton RoadCricket GroundCrispen Road (Stop N)Cromwell Road Bus Station (Stop A3)Cross LaneCrouch AvenueCrownCrowstone AvenueCrowther StreetCrow Wood ParkCuckoo Corner WestCups CornerCurver WayDarcy Hey LaneDarley Dale RoadDarnhall Crescent (Stop Bi21)Dawson DriveDeacons HillDean Bank Aged MinersDean Bank Hackworth StDean Bank Newcomen StreetDean Bank VillasDean Bank Youth ClubDearnley AvenueDecoy TavernDeepdene AvenueDelahays RoadDelamere Street (Stop 3)Denmark CloseDigswell RoadDobbies Corner - Mt Pleasant VwDodge Royd WoodDon CloseDorset RoadDouglas RoadDowning CollegeDryden StreetDryden Way(Duddington) Bus Shelter(Duddington) Royal Oak PhDuke StreetDulverton Vale (Stop As03)Duncan RoadDunnock RoadDunton LaneDunton Lower SchoolDurham RoadEalees RoadEarls Hall AvenueEastbrookEast End Road (Stop B)East End Road (Stop Y)East Norfolk Sixth Form Centre(Easton On The Hill) Blue Bell Ph(Easton On The Hill) West MillEastwood Boulevard NorthEastwood RiseEastwood Road(E Carlton) Church Lane(E Carlton) Country ParkEden Arms - WestEden Street (Stop D1)Eden Street (Stop E1)Eden Street (Stop Pr)Edward RoadEldon ArmsElgin RoadElite (Stop E2)Elizabeth Street (Stop L)Elizabeth Street (Stop M)Ellesmere PlaceEllesmere RoadElm RoadElmsleigh Bus Station (Stop 5)Elm Tree AvenueEltham Drive (Stop As04)Ember GardensEmbleton RoadEsher Green (Stop F)Esher High SchoolEsher Railway Station (Stop A)Esher Railway Station (Stop B)Etheridge Road (Stop M)Exel LogisticsEyeworth RoadEyhurst Close (Stop St)Fairbank HouseFairnley Road (Stop Bi33)Faraday CourtFaraday Road (Stop Le11)FarmFarm RoadFarmstead RoadFarmwayFarndale AvenueFederation AvenueFenton AvenueFernhurst RoadFestival RoadFielding Avenue (Stop K)Fielding Avenue (Stop L)Finchley High Road (Stop T)Finchley High Road (Stop U)(Finedon) Dolben Arms Ph(Finedon) The TowerFirbeck Academy (Stop Wo38)Fire StationFirst AvenueFlexley WoodFolville RiseFood Maker LtdFootway To Cooks RoadFordbridge RoundaboutFord StreetForegate Street Stop Aa (Stop Aa)Foregate Street Stop Bb (Stop Bb)Fosse RoadFountainwell GroveFountainwell RoadFrancis CloseFranklin FieldsFrederick RoadFrench DriveFrith CloseFulford GroveFulhurst AvenueFulwell / Sixth Cross Road (Stop H)Fulwell / Sixth Cross Road (Stop J)Gables AvenueGalton RoadGaol Square (Stand 3)GarageGarsmouth WayGarston Railway Station (Stop A)Gayhurst CloseGazeley Road(Geddington) Magdalene Close(Geddington) Queen Street(Geddington) The Woodlands(Geddington) West StreetGeneral HospitalGeoff Bray CarsGipsy LaneGladstone ParkGladstone TerraceGlastonbury RoadGlaston RoadGlebe StreetGleneagles CloseGlenn'S (Stop Bu47)Glenwood AvenueGlossop RoadGlyndebourne GardensGodwin RoadGolden Cross Post OfficeGolden Cross ShopsGolders Green Road (Stop U)Golders Green Road (Stop W)Goldsmith DriveGooding AvenueGordon StreetGrafton DriveGrange AvenueGrangewood Road (Stop Wo11)Graysands RoadGrays DriveGreenGreen Acre DriveGreenbank RoadGreen Dragon PhGreenhill LaneGreenhill RiseGreen LaneGreen Lane - Council OfficesGreen Lane FarmGrendon Avenue(Gretton) Clay Lane(Gretton) Primary SchoolGretton St James'S ChGretton Village Hall(Gt Harrowden) Kettering Road Crossroads(Gt Oakley) Barth Close(Gt Oakley) Briery Close(Gt Oakley) Catalent(Gt Oakley) Hoppet Close(Gt Oakley) Little Meadow(Gt Oakley) Long Close(Gt Oakley) Lower Pastures(Gt Oakley) Morrisons Supermarket(Gt Oakley) Storefield CottagesGuildhall / Rose Theatre (Stop J)Guildhall / Rose Theatre (Stop K)Guildhall Shopping Centre (Stand 2)Gunthorpe TurnHaines BridgeHalifax Bus Station EntranceHalifax Bus Station UHalifax PlayhouseHalifax Rd Kebroyd LaneHalifax Rd Kenworthy LaneHalifax Rd Meadowcroft LaneHalifax Rd Royd LaneHalifax Road HillsideHalifax Road J & I SchoolHalifax SquareHallam Crescent EastHallowes CrescentHallsideHambleton RoadHampton AvenueHampton Road East (Stop E)Hampton Road East (Stop T)Hanworth RoadHaringey Civic Centre (Stop Bp)Haringey Civic Centre (Stop By)Harlaxton StreetHarlechHarpenden Square (Stop As02)Harrington Drive (Stop Le08)(Harringworth) The Old SmithyHarwood HillHasty LaneHathaway AvenueHatley TurnHayling Road(Hazel Leys) Adult Learning Centre(Hazel Leys) Blake Road(Hazel Leys) Cecil Drive(Hazel Leys) Leighton Road(Hazel Leys) Recreation GroundHeadstocks (Stop Bu49)Health CentreHeathfield Gardens (Stop X)Heath Road / Grove Avenue (Stop Gp)Heath Road / Grove Avenue (Stop Gs)Heath Road / Twickenham (Stop K)Heath Road / Twickenham (Stop T)Helston Drive (Stop St02)Helston Drive (Stop St06)Henlys Corner (Stop Tq)Henlys Corner (Stop Tz)Hereford StreetHerford CloseHerringfleet RoadHeysham DriveHigh Elm RoadHigh Elms ParkHighfield GroveHighfield RoadHigh SchoolHigh StreetHigh Street (Stop C)High Street (Stop J)High St StationHilfield BrookHillcrest AvenueHillside CrescentHillside RoadHillside (Stop Le12)Hinckley RoadHobart Corner (Stop Gf)Hobart Corner (Stop Gg)Hockerhill FarmHolland RoadHollybush LaneHorslow StreetHospitalHowlandsHullbridge RoadHumber Road Dollis Hill (Stop Dc)Humber Road Dollis Hill (Stop Dh)Humberston Road (Stop Wo10)Hunters RoadHunting CloseHuntingdon RoadHurst WayHyde WayIkea Brent Park (Stop C)Imber CourtImber GroveImperial AvenueIndustrial EstateIona Road(Islip) Nene View(Islip) Riverside Way(Islip) St Nicholas' ChurchIvetsey Bank RoadJames CloseJersey RoadJohn StreetJones CornerJubilee StreetJunction With Brunel RoadKatrine CloseKent Elms Corner NorthKent Elms Corner SouthKenville RoadKestrel Way(Kettering) 117 Pytchley Road(Kettering) 85 Pytchley Road(Kettering) Ivy Road(Kettering) Maple Road(Kettering) Oak Road(Kettering) Paradise Lane(Kettering) Pipers Hill Road(Kettering) Pytchley Road(Kettering) The Warren Ph(Kettering) Tresham Institute(Kettering) Venture Park(Kettering) Weekley Glebe Road(Kettering) Wicksteed ParkKilmarnock RoadKing CrossKings RoadKingsthorpe AvenueKingston Crown Court College (Stop Uj)Kingston Hall Road (Stop Uk)Kingston Hall Road (Stop Ul)Kingston Station (Stop T)Kingston University / County Hall (Stop Ua)Kingston University / County Hall (Stop Uf)Kingston University / County Hall (Stop Uh)Kingston University / Penrhyn Road (Stop S)
(Kingswood) Hazel Leys School(Kingswood) Patrick RoadKingswood SchoolKitelands RoadKnightsfieldKnowle GreenKylesku CrescentLaburnum Road ShopsLadywood RoadLancaster RoadLandsdowne CornerLane Ends InnLangley GatesLascelles GardensLaurel RoadLeeholme Road EndLee LottsLees CloseLeese LaneLeighton RoadLeisure CentreLenton Boulevard (Stop Le10)Lenton Hall (Stop Un16)Leonard Street (Stop Bu48)Ley Hey RoadLibraryLilburne WalkLillington CourtLime RoadLinden AvenueLinden RoadLittleborough Square (Stop A)Littleborough Square (Stop B)Little GannettLittle Stanion Primary School(Lloyds) Franklin Fields(Lloyds) Odeon Buildings(Lloyds) The OctagonLocke King RoadLodgeLodgefieldLodge Park SchoolLondon Road (Stop M)London Road (Stop U)London Road / Twickenham (Stop F)Long CroftLong Lane (Stop F)Long Lane (Stop X)Lound RoadLovett Way (Stop P)Lovett Way (Stop Q)Lower GreenLower Park RoadLower Plume SchoolLower Road(Lowick) Village Turn(Lt Harrowden) Orlingbury Road(Lt Harrowden) Wellingborough RoadLubards FarmLudworth SchoolLumbardsLyveden WayMadisonsMaldon Prom GatesManchester Airport The Station (Stand K)Manor FarmManor Farm - Wood LaneManor GardensManor GroveMantlefield RoadManton RoadMaple Road (Stop C)Maple Road (Stop D)Marina DriveMarket Hall (Stand M1)Market PlaceMarket SquareMarket Street (Stop 11)Marlow CourtMarple BridgeMarple Hall SchoolMarple Station (Stop B)Matthew Arnold SchoolMauntley FarmMayfield AvenueMayfield RoadMeadwayMedina RoadMelrose RoadMendip CloseMethodist Church(Middleton) Middleton House FarmMill BankMill CottageMillfield CrescentMillgateMill RoadMinden CloseMitchell WayMoorfield RoadMoor Road (Stop St24)Mount Avenue (Stop B)Mount Avenue (Stop C)M&SMundon RoadNallhead Road (Stop W)Nallhead Road (Stop Z)Napier RoadNarborough RoadNasmith AvenueNeasden Shopping Centre / Birse Crescent (Stop Ff)Neasden Underpass (Stop Ee)Nene CrescentNene ViewNetherfield RoadNevis CloseNew Barn FarmNewfield Rise (Stop Dm)New Fields AvenueNewgate St Methodist ChNewgate Street - Medical CentreNew Inn CottageNewland Centre (Stop 2)Newland Centre (Stop 5)Newland Centre (Stop 7)Newland Centre (Stop 8)New Park StreetNew Qeii Hospital (Stop A)New Qeii Hospital (Stop B)New Southgate Station (Stop J)New Southgate Station (Stop K)Newton Grove FarmNewtownNobles Green RoadNorfolk CloseNorth Entrance (Stop Un15)North Park DriveNorth Street East (Bay 1)Northumberland ArmsNorthwick RoadNorthwood HeadquartersNuffield HospitalNursery CloseNursery HillOakcliffe RoadOak CrescentOak DriveOaklands AvenueOakley Farm(Oakley Vale) Bankside(Oakley Vale) Butland Road(Oakley Vale) Charter Court(Oakley Vale) Dumble Close(Oakley Vale) Morrisons Supermarket(Oakley Vale) Waver CloseOdeon BuildingsOld AvenueOldenburgh RoadOpen Hearth PhOrange Street(Orlingbury) Rectory LaneOslo GardensOwen WayOxford RoadOxgate Gardens (Stop Db)Oxgate Lane (Stop Su)Oxhey Drive SouthPaddock LanePalmers Green / Palmerston Road (Stop S)Park AvenuePark ParadePark & Ride (Stand 1)Park & Ride (Stand 1A)Park RoadParksideParkside Rise (Stop Wo48)Parkside (Stop Wo47)Park TavernPascal ClosePenkridge Fire StationPenn WayPentley ParkPeople'S ParkPetersfield AvenuePevensey GardensPhillipersPhoenix Parkway RoundaboutPhone BoxPike House BarnPinecot AvenuePinfoldPipeline ConstructionPippin Close (Stop Da)Plough BridgePlough InnPolice HousesPolice StationPorson RoadPost OfficePoultry FarmPrimary SchoolPrince Charles Drive (Stop F)Princess Alice HospicePriors Hall Future CentrePriory ParkProgress RoadProspect RoadPymmes Road (Stop Gu)Pymmes Road (Stop Gy)(Pytchley) All Saints Church(Pytchley) Bus Shelter(Pythcley) Lower EndQmc Main Entrance (Stop Qm04)Quebec CloseQueens RoadQueen'S RoadQueens' SchoolRailway BridgeRailway StationRailway ViewRaleigh Park RoadRamornie CloseRamsay StreetRandall Avenue /Dollis Hill LnRavenscraig Road (Stop C)Ravensworth Rd - Raby RoadRavensworth Rd - ShopsRawreth LaneRayleigh AvenueRecreation GroundRecticelRed Hall FarmRed Wood CloseRhm IngredientsRickerscote RoadRipley Way (Stop K)Riversdale RoadRiverside RoadRiverside WayRiversmeetRobin MeadRochdale Community Fire StationRochdale Interchange (Stand C)Rochdale Rd Bird LaneRochdale Rd Blue Ball LaneRochdale Rd Dowry LaneRochdale Rd East StreetRochdale Rd Hollin LaneRochdale Rd Lwr Brockwell LnRochdale Rd Nursery LaneRochdale Rd Oak HillRochdale Rd Pye Nest GardensRochdale Rd Small Lees RoadRochdale Rd Stead LaneRochdale Rd Stones DriveRochdale Rd Stubbing LaneRochdale Rd Willowfield DriveRochdale Rd Willow Hall LaneRochdale Rd Willow House LaneRochdale Road Blackstone EdgeRochdale Road Old House BridgeRochdale Road SchoolRochdale Road White Hart FoldRochester DriveRochester RoadRochford CornerRochford RoadRock'Ham The CottonsRockingham Arms Ph(Rockingham) Caldecott RoadRodbaston CollegeRodbaston DriveRosedale Drive (Stop Wo12)Rose Dene CottageRose Hill StationRosilian DriveRothwell Medical CentreRottenrow EastRoundaboutRoundhill RoadRowan CourtRowan GardensRowlett RoadRowley GroveRoyal Oak PhRs Components(Rushden) Rushden Lakes (Stop 1)Rushyford DriveRydal DriveRyelandsSackville StreetSallow RoadSandalwood CourtSandhill LaneSandlands AvenueSandy Railway StationSandy RoadSatra HouseSavoy Cinema (Stop Le09)Saxon RoadScapa RoadSchofield StreetSchoolSchool LaneScience AcademySeaview DriveSecond DriftSeely Road (Stop Le07)Seething Wells / Kingston Uni CampusSeething Wells / Kingston Uni Campus (Stop Nv)Selby StreetSellers Wood Drive (Stop Bu45)Shaftesbury RoadShelton RoadSheraton Drive (Stop Wo50)Shopping CentreShopsShottery AvenueSloanswaySmallbridge LibrarySouthbourne Crescent (Stop Tm)Southbourne Crescent (Stop Tn)South View - Central Drive
Southview NurseriesSowerby Bridge StnSpeer RoadSpelthorne GroveSports GroundSports PitchesSpringburn RoadStafford Manor High SchoolStagsden Crescent (Stop Bi64)Staines Railway Station (Stop D)Staines Railway Station (Stop T)Staines Road Fulwell (Stop G)Staines Road Fulwell (Stop M)St AmbroseSt Andrew'S ChurchSt Andrews RoadSt Andrew'S Street(Stanion) Clarendon Close(Stanion) Epping Road(Stanion) Grays Drive(Stanion) Village HallStaples Corner (Stop Sj)Staples Corner (Stop Sk)Station RoadStation TurnStavanger CloseSt Bernards High SchoolSt Brendan'S ChurchSt Catherine Neasden Church (Stop Ss)St Catherine Neasden Church (Stop Tt)St Christopher'S CloseSt Crispin'S ChurchSt David'S CloseSt James RoadSt James Road (Stop H)St Johns RoadSt John The Baptist'S ChurchSt Leonard'S RoadSt Lukes CloseSt Margaret'S Bus Station (Stand Sq)St Marks RoadSt Mary'S HospitalSt Michaels Avenue (Stop St03)St Michael'S Rc SchoolSt Modwena WaySt Nicholas' ChurchSt Nicholas Circle (Stand Fa)St Nicholas Circle (Stand Fd)Stocks HillStockton Street(Stoke Albany) Green Lane(Stoke Albany) White Horse PhStoke RoadStorefield CottagesStotfield Road (Stop Bi38)Stour RoadSt Pauls CrescentSt Peter'S Lane (Stand Aa)St Peter'S Lane (Stand Ak)St Peter & St Andrew'S ChurchStratton Park FarmStratton Upper SchoolStreather DriveStretton RoadSt Stephens RoadSt Swithuns Primary SchoolStudfall AvenueStudfall Junior SchoolSturminster WaySummers CloseSunbury Cross Shopping CentreSun InnSunley CourtSurbiton Crescent (Stop B)Surbiton Road / Penrhyn Road (Stop Ue)Surbiton Sainsbury'S (Stop Na)Surbiton Sainsbury'S (Stop Nr)Surbiton Station/Claremont RdSurbiton Station/Claremont Rd (Stop Nk)Surbiton Station / Victoria Road (Stop Np)Surbiton (Stop Nb)SurgerySurtees Arms(Sutton Bassett) The Queens Head InnSutton RoadSwanage CourtSwift Road (Stop A)Sydney AvenueTelephone BoxTelford Road Palmers Green (Stop Gp)Temple MarketTenters Street Stand BTescoTesco StoreThames Ditton Railway StationThe Ash TreeTheatreThe AvenueThe Bars (Stop L)The Bradford Arms PhThe Briars PhThe Buccleuch PhThe ChaseThe CoppiceThe Crescent Surbiton (Stop Nd)The Crescent Surbiton (Stop Nh)The Cricketers InnThe CroftThe Dick Whittington PhThe DomeThe DriveThe Drive (Stop B)The ExhibitionThe Game Bird PhThe Garden HouseThe GossamersThe Gossamers ShopsThe GreenThe GroveThe Hazel Tree PhThe King Edmund SchoolThe Kingfisher PhThe LawnsThe Leather Craftsman PhThe MaltingsThe ManorThe Moorcock InnThe OctagonThe Phoenix PhThe Prince Albert / Twickenham (Stop Ga)The Prince Albert / Twickenham (Stop Gb)The Priory (Stop Wo46)The QuadrantThe RaftersThe Red LionThe Ship HotelThe Shire Horse PhThe SladeThe Sun InnThe Swan HotelThetford CloseThe Thornton ArmsThe Travellers JoyThe Vetinary HospitalThe VictoryThe WoodlandsThe Woodlands HospitalThistle GroveThorkhill RoadThornhill Arms PhThorpe CrescentThorpe RoadThorpe StreetThrapston LibraryThree Horseshoes Ph EastThrupps LaneThumbswoodTilling Road (Stop S)Todmorden CloseTottenhall Rd/ Nth Circular Rd (Stop T)Tottenhall Rd/ Nth Circular Rd (Stop W)Town CentreTown Tree RoadTrafalgar Rd / Prince Of Wales (Stop Sc)Trafalgar Rd / Prince Of Wales (Stop Sd)Trafalgar StreetTreecot DriveTremayne Road (Stop Bi18)Trevose WayTrinity RoadTromso CloseTrongateTrowell RoadTrumpington Park-And-RideTudhoe Moor NurseryTurnpike Lane Bus Station (Stop S)Turnpike Lane Station (Stop Y)Turpins CloseTwickenham Golf Centre (Stop J)Twickenham Golf Centre (Stop K)Twickenham Green (Stop Gm)Twickenham Green (Stop Gt)Twickenham Road (Stop H)Twickenham Road (Stop L)Tyndale StreetUnderpassUpper Bolton Brow Park RoadUpper RoadUppingham - Community CollegeUpton Park & RideUxbridge Road / Hampton Sainsbury'S (Stop S)Valley WayVian WayVicarageVictoria Centre (Stop J3)Victoria DriveVictoria RoadViking CloseVillage TurnVillage Way/North Circular Rd (Stop Ll)Village Way/North Circular Rd (Stop Nn)Vyners CloseWaitrose (Stop H)(Wakerley) Wakerley Court(Wakerley) Wakerley RoadWalbrook Close (Stop As01)Walton PlaceWantz RoadWardle RoadWar MemorialWarwick Lodge/Staines Road (Stop B)Warwick Lodge/Staines Road (Stop U)Warwick Road Palmers Green (Stop Gq)Watergate LaneWater LaneWaterloo RoadWatermill CloseWavel CloseWedgwood Way(Weekley) Post OfficeWeetabixWelcombe AvenueWeldon North Industrial EstateWeldon Village AcademyWelland CloseWelland Vale Road Shops(Wellingb') Broadway(Wellingb') Castle Way (Stop G)(Wellingb') Chester House Car Park(Wellingb') Denington Road(Wellingb') Hatton Park Road(Wellingb') Kilborn Road(Wellingb') Post Office (Stop F)(Wellingb') Redhill Grange(Wellingb') Roche Way(Wellingb') Sheep Street Stop H (Stop H)(Wellingb') Stanwick Lakes Country Park(Wellingb') The Dog & Duck Ph(Wellingb') Wharton Close(Welling') Hatton Park RoadWerneth ViewWest BridgeWest Bridge (Stand Ff)Westbury RoadWestcar LaneWestcliff High Schools (Stop C)Westcliff-On-Sea Railway StationWestcotes Drive(Weston By Welland) Council Houses(Weston By Welland) Mickleborough CloseWest Street Foundry StWest Street Lily StreetWest Street Watson Mill LaWest TerraceWestwick Road (Stop Bi17)Wetherspoons PhWeybridge Railway Station North (Stop A)Weybridge Railway Station North (Stop B)Weybridge Railway Station South (Stop C)Weybridge Railway Station South (Stop D)Wharfedale RoadWharf StreetWheatley AvenueWheatsheafWhite Cottage FarmWhite HorseWhite HouseWhitelees RoadWhitmore Close (Stop M)Whittle RoadWhitwell Road (Stop Br04)Whitworth AvenueWhitworth TerraceWidgeon WayWigman Road Top (Stop Bi28)Wigman Road Top (Stop Bi34)(Wilbarston) Fox Inn Ph(Wilbarston) Queens RoadWilliam Knibb CentreWillow CourtWillow GardensWillow LaneWillow RoadWilnicott RoadWimborne WalkWindmill LaneWindmill RoadWindsor CastleWinslow Close (Stop Uu)Winstanley ArmsWithern Road (Stop Br05)Wolgarston High SchoolWolgarston WayWollaton Park Gates (Stop Un17)Wollaton Rise (Stop Wo49)Wolsey RoadWoodcroft Scout CentreWoodendWood Green Bus Garage (Stop C)Wood Green Police Station (Stop Bq)Wood Green Police Station (Stop Bv)Wood Green Shopping City (Stop Gb)Wood Green Shopping City (Stop J)Wood Green Station (Stop D)Wood Green Station (Stop H)Woodheyes Road (Stop L)Woodlands RoadWood Lane - Raby RoadWood Lane - Walworth RoadWoodside AvenueWoodthorpe RoadWorking Mens ClubWorld Freight TerminalWorple RoadYardley CloseYarmouth RoadYarnells HillYeats Close (Stop F)Yew Tree DriveYork RoadYorkshire GreyYork Street / Twickenham (Stop H)
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